Thank you Lucy. As a newbie to publishing I find this list fabulous

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Jul 1Author

You're welcome Tamsin! That's the reason I do it :)

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Thank you, very helpful overall. Since my stories are about 5K - 8K on average, it's somewhat more difficult to find a good home for them - especially since they don't fit the most popular genres (such as Gothic, horror, sci-fi) Keep writing, keep publishing! 👍

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Jul 1Author

Oh I've found that too. I tend to write pieces <3k but some of my longer stories reach 10k and it's much harder to find homes for them. I'm glad this was helpful though!

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This is awesome, I’ll be submitting. Thanks!

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Jul 1Author

Great - good luck!

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This is so helpful thank you so much!!

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Thank you. So helpful. You provide a great service.

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this $0.01 per word stuff makes me sick. why even bother? I can make that publishing on Medium instead

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